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Naked and stressed but met Bernie Sanders

"had a thought in the dream that it was a bad dream but didn’t become aware enough to wake up. was wearing my jean jacket on backwards to cover my nakedness. i have my clothes in my backpack. i go to the bathroom to change and two handymen are in there. there is gross water everywhere and air coming out of what i think are broken pipes. also no stalls. they say something confusing and unclear about it being closed and not being closed and i go the other way and find this cubicle area that i’m trying to change in but the cubes are two low so i have to crawl. i get in a cubicle but there’s a guy asleep facing the other way so i’m on my hands and knees trying to quietly put my clothes on but as i look i realize i’ve somehow cut my shirt in half. i manage to get my shorts and my sweatshirt on. i somehow get my clothes on. bernie sanders was there. as i walked past i said “i voted for you. bye bernie!” also this was taking place at a weird version of the art high school we visited."

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